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IHF Education Program

Helping others is part of human nature. There are plenty of child sponsorship programs available where organizations connect sponsors with poor children around the world.

IHF School Program

It’s Humanity also operates regular schools in some areas of Bangladesh where many underprivileged people live. These school projects are run with a view to providing quality education for free.

Details of Regular Schools 
Regular School For Bangladesh

Project Alok: A Special School for Special Child

It’s Humanity Foundation and Amar Daraz, the Sustainable Development program of Daraz Bangladesh Ltd. collaboratively came up with the idea of Project Alok, a program for special children. IHF and Amar Daraz commenced the school program in November 2018 at Tongi for children with learning difficulties like ADD, ADHD and dyslexia as a yearlong project that has been funded by Amar Daraz. We started with 11 students, which is allowing the teachers to pay attention to the children without diluting their attention in a large group.

See Special School 
IHF Special School in Tongi

Chakar School: School on Wheel

It's Humanity Foundation operates the Chakar School project to provide marginal children with quality education in Bangladesh.

Learn More About the Projects 
Digital Mobile School In Dhaka
IHF Family In 2022
600 +
Testimonials of IHF
Our Partners

We are endowed with the donations from some organizations who hold a feeling of responsibility for the underprivileged people of Bangladesh.

Featured News
IHF Holds Its First Board Meeting

On 30th July, 2022, we, at It’s Humanity Foundation (IHF) organized the First IHF Advisory Board Meeting for the fiscal year July 2022 to June 2023, at Hotel Sarina, Dhaka, from 6 PM to 9 PM.

Maria Mumu Visits Chakar School

Maria Mumu, founder of Moshal Foundation visited Chakar School today on International Women's Day.Chakar school celebrated women's day with their students to spread the message of equality to every student.

NUMBERELLA Charity Album for IHF

Numberella is a fun math game invented by Alexander F.L Newberry MSt Oxon, the founder of ANT Education, United Kingdom. It has been designed to take the teacher off a pedestal and create a space where teaching math is less formal more fun

4th Annual General Meeting of IHF

On 12th December 2020, It’s Humanity Foundation (IHF) organized its 4th Annual General Meeting at Hotel Sarina, Dhaka. The goals of the event were to share the annual update of IHF activities and formally introduce the new board members.