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Sponsor a Child With It's Humanity Foundation

It’s Humanity Foundation (IHF) is looking for student sponsors to support its Student Sponsorship Program. IHF believes that every child deserve an education and for anyone who is willing to make a difference in children’s life the best possible way is to invest in education that aspire these children to be someone they dreamt for. This allows IHF to deliver long lasting impact to the children and communities we serve. Your Sponsorship is an investment of your better future through an educated nation.

Your small amount of contribution can change their life stories many such stories can lead to a better society. You can contribute a small amount for a monthly basis by our 'Sponsor A Child Program'.

Sponsorship Particular:

Your Sponsorship Ensure Return On your Sponsorship
Quality Education Regular monthly update
Books & Stationary Quarterly Progress Report
Nutritious food Ensuring their Health & Education
Quarterly medical Support Helping IHF to grow and support more children in Bangladesh
School Supplies